Monday, November 19, 2007

11.19.07-Thanksgiving and the Parade Phenomena

Monday's aren't so bad as people say. I don't have a conventional
schedule either, really. Today wasn't a good Monday, though, as my
lack of dental insurance has delivered the proverbial financial sting.
Looks like I need a sum total of three root canals as a result of my
bicycle wreck some two months ago. All of you really should (If you
haven't already) take a thorough look at my catalogue of music and
consider buying some songs for loved ones to lift their Christmas
spirits and lower my dental bill.
Everyone wins.
It's mad hot outside for mid/late November. I remember a scorching
Thanksgiving Day when I was seven years old. At that point in my life,
Thanksgiving was (unfortunately) just as much about the Macy's Day
Parade as it was being thankful. I don't know why. Parades are so
strange. And expensive too. Tradition...sure...I get it. They're very
strange, though. Large blow-up characters, dancers in Santa-wear,
special appearances from famous singers, and whatever else. I don't
think I'd find parades strange if it weren't for the inordinate amount
of hype that surrounds them. Man, people would lose their minds if
there were no Macy's Day Parade. Those same people probably have
hefty, long conversations about things that are mostly secondary in
any context. The flavor of salt. Salt is salt, man. But, I had a way
better perspective as a seven-year-old than I do now. So, parades must
serve some public service, because my seven-year-old mind was a
creative force, and I thought parades were dope. I'm convinced that I
would have no limits as an artist if I had access to my seven-year-old
mind; however, I would have to convince my seven-year-old self not to
focus soley on athletic portrait drawing. Always a catch.
Here's to being thankful in the midst of moderately hard times. It's
what I'm trying to do these days.


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