Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Record Done but Laptop Stolen.

I have taken a serious hiatus from the blog world, and there is no good reason for it: truth be told. However, some shifts have happened..some good and bad. Someone stole my lap top. The lap top has recently had a tumultuous journey as I just replaced the hard drive recently. She served me well for about 3 years. And whoever stole it: I reckon you needed it more than I did. The good news is..we finished the record...it's done. We spent 2 days finishing mixes and tweaks this past weekend in Nashville. Our friend Stephen Gause did a wonderful job of setting the sonic tone and coloring these tunes. I cannot wait for this piece to hit the streets. It's the fruit of hours of labor, coffee drinking, arguing over lyrics/arranging, creating characters, meeting real ones, getting lost in a song, getting found in a song, and, finally, breathing deep. I'm coming up to New York again. If you're there we should go to Virgil's in Times Square. It's not particularly a New York experience, in fact, it's a southern BBQ joint. But I don't care, it tastes good. By the way, the laptop is getting replaced. Bam, bam, body slam.


1 comment:

Zach said...

"bam, bam, body slam"... haha!